Support Saint Peter's

If you would like to support Saint Peter’s but are not able to attend our Services, here are three ways you can make an offering without attending a Service.

The Pebble

Looking for The Pebble? You will find it on the News and Opinion page – always available in the News menu.

in Saint Peter’s

Find out all about
getting married
in Saint Peter’s

The Rock

The August edition is now available online.

Printed copies will be available in Church from Sunday while they last. You'll get it first online though. See below how to get a handy email when each new issue is available.

Our Printed Heritage page now includes all available issues up to August of 1969.

Coming Events

Tuesday, 17 September : Vestry meeting.

Friday, 20 September : Deadline for the September edition of The Rock.

New photo’s in the gallery

Latest updates to Saint Peter’s photo gallery include a Fellowship lunch and a brass band concert.

View digitised copies of historic Parish Magazines

Our Printed Heritage

An additional issue of our early parish magazines is added to our online archive each month when The Rock is published..

All those from December 1952 (the earliest one) to December 1967 are now available.

Do It Online

Register for new sermon notifications

Register for email notification of Caversham Lectures news

Register for email notification when ’The Pebble’ becomes available online each week

Register here to get an email each time ’The Rock’ online edition is published

To update your details on the parish roll, email with your name/s, address, email address and telephone number

Log in to Parishioners’ pages

Log in to Vestry Members’ pages.

57 Baker Street, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand +64-3-455-3961 : or e-mail us