News Special:
Vicar’s Retirement Announcement
October 3rd 2010
In consultation with the Bishop and with my doctor, I have decided to retire next January.
I know that you will believe me when I say that this has not been an easy decision to make. Particularly as I have often said in the past that I could see no reason why I should not carry on as your Vicar into the next millenium!
However, we sometimes have to contemplate realities which we would rather ignore, and this I have now had to do, not least during my time away from Saint Peter’s while on holiday in Austria.
As you know, my health in the last few years has not been all that it should be, and I am increasingly aware that with the passage of time I will become less and less able to do justice to my calling as your Parish Priest. I believe it is better for the future of Saint Peter’s to face that now, rather than when it is too late.

I am most grateful to have reached my 25th Anniversary, and I look forward very much to welcoming the Bishop to our Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. But soon after that, I believe it will be time for a younger - and healthier - person to lead the Parish.
I have always promised that I would give some months’ notice of my resignation or retirement, so that you might have the opportunity to reduce the length of the inevitable interregnum by looking for my successor while I am still in office. And of course my thoughts and prayers will be with you as you do so.
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