Our History

Saint Peter’s has had more than 20 Vicars in its history
- Saint Peter’s Church in Caversham
- Saint Peter the Less - ministered to St Clair from 1927 to 1993
- Saint Alban’s hall, Corstophine - was a mission site from 1947 to 1973
- St Kilda Mission - started with services in the Forbury Schtool gymnasium and the St Kilda Town Hall, and culminated in 1917 with the establishment of Holy Cross (St Kilda) as a separate parish
- In the early days, the parish extended to Taiaroa Head, and included a Church at Otakau (Otago), in which some Anglican services were held.
There have been up to five churches:
Hall, pews and attendances
The first parish hall was erected in 1884, and the present Vicarage in 1912. Some pews were reserved by renting until about 1900. The peak of Sunday School attendances was on 8 September 1959: Saint Peter’s 101, Saint Peter the Less 93 and Saint Alban’s 83, a total of 277 children.
Miss Betty Favell was organist at Saint Peter’s for 43 years.
"She got more out of that old organ than anyone else who ever played it. She would not sit on the organ seat during the whole service - not she! When not playing, she would vault the seat and use it as her prayer desk."
The organ had been installed in 1902, but was extended with the help of a bequest by Miss Favell. Even so, it was still a rather small chamber organ not really large enough for its task. By the turn of the century it was getting beyond repair, and in 2005 was replaced by a new three manual Johannus digital organ from the Netherlands.
Saint Peter’s had a Drama Club from 1951 to about 1961. In the early days, a lamb was kept in the Church grounds to keep the grass down, and on one occasion it got into the Church and walked down the isle.
At the annual meeting of 1891, women were given the right to vote at parish meetings.
57 Baker Street, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand +64-3-455-3961 : or e-mail us