Staff and Contacts

If you have a complaint, contact the vicar or churchwardens as identified at left.

If you do not feel the complaint has been resolved or dealt with properly, contact the Diocesan Office for advice on what you need to do:
Telephone 03 488 0821
or email

for further information visit

The Reverend Natalie Milliken, ā®Vicar

       Telephone 03 455 3961 : email

The Reverend Joel Stutter, Curate

       Mobile 0210 227 2318 email

Alex Chisholm, Vicar’s Warden and Vestry Secretary

       Telephone 03 487 7356 : email

Raylene Ralston, People’s Warden

       Telephone 03 455 2389 : email

David Hoskins, Director of Music and Hall Manager

       Telephone 03 453 4621 : email



Vestry Members

       Natalie Milliken, Vicar
       Alex Chisholm, Vicar’s Warden and Vestry Secretary
       Raylene Ralston, People’s Warden
       Dawn Bachop
       Di Best
       Gay Bungard
       Deirdre Harris
       David Hoskins
       Sharon McGlynn
       Kurt Schulter
       David Scoular

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