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150th Anniversary Celebrations : September 2015 : Afternoon tea on Saturday included a special cake which had been made the renowned parish baker, Marjery Finnie. Also there was the model of the Church which first made its appearance at the Centenary celebrations.

 Model created for Centenary.JPG

Model created for Centenary.JPG

Photo: Information Services Otago Ltd.

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 1-Afternoon Tea awaits.JPG  2-People begin to arrive.JPG  3-More people arrive.JPG  4-More people arrive.JPG  5-Afternoon tea under way.JPG  6-Chatting during afternoon tea.JPG  7-The chat goes on.JPG  8-Afternoon tea from afar.JPG  9-A happy chatty throng.JPG  Model created for Centenary.JPG  The 150th cake.JPG  Transition1.gif
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